I have done my best to design this website to be useful and informative. All I ask is that in return you agree to abide by the Terms & Conditions that I have outlined below. Please read these over, because by using this website you are automatically agreeing to these terms. If you disagree with these terms, please do not use this website. I reserve the right to make changes to update these terms at any time, as I deem necessary. Please continue to check these terms to see what changes might be. Your continued use of this website indicates your acceptance of these changes.
Terms of Use Agreement:
This website does not constitute the practice of medicine. On these pages I have shared some of my medical experience, only with the intent of sharing general medical information. This information is far from exhaustive, and does not cover all medical conditions or their treatment. As a result, nothing that is posted here should be taken as a substitute for medical advice specific to an individual's situation. Medical knowledge is constantly changing, and therefore the content of this website is provided "as is". While Dr. Coombs endeavors to provide information that is accurate and current, he cannot guarantee that all information herein is entirely up to date and free of error, particularly with regards to a specific individual's medical condition. Any information you obtain from this website must be placed in proper context, with the help and advice from a qualified health professional who is familiar with your particular medical situation, and one who can properly advise you regarding undertaking a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Do not disregard competent medical advice or delay appropriate medical treatment because of something you have read on this website.
By accessing and using this website, you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement, which is a legal agreement between you and Dr. John Coombs.